Saturday, 19 September 2009

At the foot of the cross

My mom and I went for a long walk on my last morning in Kidds Beach. We walked with 2 of her friends and then found two other ladies sitting at the foot of the cross.

I find that I feel very close to God when I walk on the beach. Although we were a group I still found that I had time to myself and I sang chorusses and spoke to God as I picked up shells and walked. Each little shell is so perfect that you have to give thanks for such beauty. The sea is also an example of God's power. The sand is soft and the water is warm and gentle as it flows over your feet, but when you look at the rocks and the force of the waves breaking over the rocks you can see the mighty power of God. Soft and gentle, but extremely powerful! I couldn't help but praise Him as I walked along.

We met the lady whose husband keeps the cross in such good condition. She said that he starts picking up the big shells as he walks along and then checks the cross and replaces the shells where necessary. Quite a task as the wind fills the shells up quite quickly and it could so easily dissapear under the sand!


Lynette Jacobs said...

What a great photo of everyone sitting at the foot of the cross. The sea and beach gives me the sense of peace and being close to the Lord as well.

Stefanie said...

Beautiful...I understand even more why real life back home was a rude awakening.

Anonymous said...

I will have to go for a visit myself.

Lynette Jacobs said...

Hey sis...where are you...time to come out:)

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